Yooo, I just found your work, and it's cool to hear your take on trance. I hear the passion you put into your music, which is always refreshing. Keep it up dude.
Yooo, I just found your work, and it's cool to hear your take on trance. I hear the passion you put into your music, which is always refreshing. Keep it up dude.
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed this track! It means a lot. <3
This is so cool, highly ordered yet wildly expressive. I dig the atonal, ring modulated sound.
Weeeeeeee, great mixing, automation, polyrhythms and time changes. Just a dang ol' C Major good time. Whoop whoop!
Aw yee. Luxurious harmonic choices, arpeggios, and melodic leaps. Intimacy has an amazing solo. Rain has a sick bass drop I haven't heard in chiptune or fakebit. Interesting transitions too. Ooo 2-step in space! Congratulations to you for making this banger of an album.
Heck yeah, this slaps severely. I recently discovered you, so I don't have the history your other listeners have, but it will be cool to find out how your DnB style changes whenever you decide to return to it. Take that phat break, and maybe explore some different soundscapes. I can barely stick to a genre for two tracks in a row.
Edit: Cool, you do you. Genre hopping is a lot of fun; no need to stick to any one thing, especially if it's not fulfilling.
Thank you but I've actually decided to quit DnB completely. There is a video on my youtube channel where I explain it more.
Heck yeah, great hollywood harmony and proof of concept. I've had vague thoughts of doing something like this. Now I might have to try to get on your level haha. I think with a very careful dip around 5Khz and perhaps a slight bump in volume and reverb send, you'll get a choir that both blends and shines more. I know it can be tricky to sculpt a hall sound with a close-ish mic, not to meantion getting dynamic range in the low range of the voice. Great work with a great challenge.
Hey, thank you so much for your advices! I have tried to realize them by now. I have to agree that working with close-range recordings is quite hard and the atmosphere would have been even better with another type of microphone. But I tried to bump the reverb and volume by a little bit. I also recreated the high tenor notes and I have resung them with more "twang" being used. So that's the best I could do for now. I hope at least there is a little improvement noticeable. Especially the staccatos at 03:47 and 5:50 should sound better now. :)
Hoooo, bring the funk. Interesting choice of duel wielding sampled bassline and sustained synth bass. My head is circular bobbing and my face is stank. I think the piano would be more effective unquantized; I like the tight pocket in the drums, and the bass guitar is almost sitting on the back side of the beat (sequenced that way or sidechained?). So I was expecting some super laid-back piano, Maybe that's just me. Tasty stuff \m/
Thank you very much for your review :D
This has been the first time I tried anything Soul or Funk related so I'm happy to see I apparently didn't screw up :D
Tasty basslines, classy harmonic planing moments and keychanges, and super immersive overall. The needle sample at the end is the cherry on top. Superb work
Now THAT'S amore. Charming and dainty, would definitely pumpkin again.
Pumpkin spice of life.
Another great melodic trance track. I'm not a fan of the supersaw riser in the buildup, but kudos to you for resolving it on the tonic at the end of the buildup. Excellent use of thsoe vocal samples. Great respective melodies in that square pluck and supersaw, and that 303-ish distorted bass is always satisfying, albeit perhaps a bit too hot in the mix. Keep it up dude!
I make musical things and enjoy listening to others. I'm open to collaborations and commissions for playing, composing, mixing, mastering, etc.
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multimedia things
Joined on 4/16/08